There are seven fires currently going on in Utah right now. I'm not kidding and they're not small! Utah is a blazing orange! I was so happy to have such a dry winter, but now seeing what it's doing to not only Utah, but the surrounding states as well, I don't think I'll ever wish for no snow again!
Shane and I have been house sitting and babysitting Chip for my parents while they're camping, and it's been a blast! (I want a dog!) I love spending time with the little pup. He's just adorable!
I had my orientation today at Sizzler, and Tuesday I start training. I didn't get the server position I wanted, but that's ok because I can work towards the position. It seems like a great company and I am excited to work for them. I'll be working there as much as I can until I can find a day time job. Once I get a day job Sizzler will be moved to nights.
We're going to see the new Spiderman with our fun friends Caity and Ben next week. We're excited, the previews look awesome so it'd better be good!
I went to a baby shower today for my high school friend Kenzie. She looked great, I love her little belly!! She got some of the cutest things, her little boy is always going to look so darling!! Seeing all the baby things made me so excited to be a mom one day. Baby things are just so precious and tiny!! I love it all!
So this is crappy, but since being married I've gained a few pounds, (as you may have noticed if you've seen me recently. Blah.) I'm trying to get healthy again, and holy cow it is not easy! I began calorie counting with this and it wasn't too bad this week. But today hit and I was just so hungry, I stupidly made Saturday my "cheat day." Bad decision. I have been eating everything in sight!! Help! Does anyone have any tips on losing weight and developing healthy habits?? I need I need!!